General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions of Secfinity GmbH for Training Events/Courses
  1. Scope of Application
  2. 1.1
    These General Terms and Conditions apply to the execution of courses and trainings - hereinafter referred to as courses - by Secfinity GmbH - hereinafter referred to as the organizer.
  3. 1.2
    Any other general business or purchasing conditions will not become part of the contract, even if the organizer does not expressly contradict them again.
  4. Admission Requirements
  5. 2.1
    The organizer's courses are open to all interested parties. To the extent that admission requirements are explicitly necessary for participation in training or examinations, the organizer is entitled to request the submission of the required documents.
  6. Registration
  7. 3.1
    Please send registrations for events in writing to:
    Secfinity GmbH
    Viktoriastrasse 3b
    86150 Augsburg
    Or online via the booking system
  8. 3.2
    No later than 14 days before the start of the course, you will receive a written order confirmation of the booked event, with detailed information about the course you booked (venue, date, event times). The contract is only concluded with the written order confirmation. Oral promises or side agreements only become valid with written confirmation.
  9. 3.3
    If there is an insufficient number of confirmed registrations, we reserve the right to cancel the course no later than 14 days before the start of the course.
  10. 3.4
    There is no right to participate in courses with a limited number of participants.
  11. Fees
  12. 4.1
    All fees are exclusive of value-added tax or other applicable taxes in the country of training provision. Our current price list applies. With the publication of a new price list, the validity of the previous one expires.
  13. 4.2
    The training prices for courses conducted in our premises include the use of the training systems, conference beverages, lunch, and student kits.
  14. Implementation
  15. 5.1
    Content changes that can alter the course goal are permissible if they occur upon demand or with the consent of the bodies responsible for the recognition of the targeted qualifications.
  16. 5.2
    The organizer reserves the right to change or relocate the program sequence and/or to change speakers, provided that the aim of the event is not fundamentally altered.
  17. 5.3
    Changes in the venue of the course may occur. A reasonable shortening of the course duration by the organizer is possible.
  18. Obligations of the Participant
  19. 6.1
    The participant commits to adhere to the house rules at the course location, to regularly attend the on-site events of the course in question, to follow the instructions of the teaching or training staff as well as the representatives of the organizer and its agents, and to refrain from anything that could hinder the proper execution of the course.
  20. Cancellations
  21. 7.1
    Cancellations must be submitted in written or electronic form to us.
  22. 7.2
    The cancellation fees are as follows:
    • Cancellation up to 14 working days before the start of the course: no cancellation fee
    • Cancellation up to 7 working days before the start of the course: The cancellation fee is 50% of the course fees
    • Cancellation from 5 working days before the start of the course: The cancellation fee is 100% of the course fees
    Instead of canceling the course participation, you can nominate another participant as a substitute.
  23. 7.3
    In the event of a course cancellation by our side due to force majeure or other unforeseen circumstances (such as an accident, illness of the course leader), the organizer's liability for participants who have already traveled is limited to the refund of the course fees. Liability for travel and hotel costs is not assumed.
  24. 7.4
    Reasons for immediate termination by the organizer include, in particular, continuous or serious disruption of the course, repeated unexcused absence from the course, payment arrears with more than two installments, or repeated payment default despite two written reminders, as well as revocation or withdrawal of assigned services by other cost bearers.
  25. 7.5
    The cancellation conditions also apply to package bookings. In this case, the cancellation fees will be deducted proportionally from the package credit.
  26. Rescheduling
  27. 8.1
    Our cancellation conditions apply accordingly for rescheduling.
  28. Special provisions for individual courses
  29. 9.1
    Individual courses are those courses to which at least one of the following criteria applies:
    • The course content has been individually designed according to the client's specifications
    • The course is conducted for a closed group of participants
    • The course takes place in the client's premises or as a closed company seminar in the organizer's rooms
  30. 9.2
    For individual courses, the cancellation costs mentioned under 7.2 do not apply. Free cancellations are not possible for individual training sessions – after written order placement.
  31. 9.3
    In the case of cancellations, the organizer reserves the right to bill for all efforts caused by the order. This also includes any claim for loss of income by the lecturer.
  32. 9.4
    For shifts in course dates and/or changes to the course location caused by the client, the organizer also reserves the right to bill for the resulting effort.
  33. Partner Courses
  34. 10.1
    For courses from third-party manufacturers and partners of Secfinity GmbH, the general terms and conditions of the respective companies applicable at the time of booking apply. This is especially true for cancellation conditions.
  35. E-Learning Products
  36. 11.1
    n addition to the general terms and conditions of the organizer, the terms of use of the manufacturers apply accordingly for E-Learning products. The respective terms of use of the manufacturers are provided by Secfinity GmbH upon customer request.
  37. 11.2
    E-Learning products are made available on the platform of the respective manufacturer. The organizer provides an access code that can be redeemed on the corresponding platform.
  38. 11.3
    The customer is responsible for securing access to the manufacturer's platform for the duration of the product's use. The organizer is not liable if the E-Learning cannot be used as intended due to lack of access.
  39. 11.4
    Each product can be used for the usage duration specified in the product description and confirmation. Unless otherwise stated, this begins with the delivery of the access code. If an activation period is specified, the access code must be redeemed by the end of this period. After this, the organizer does not guarantee the redeemability.
  40. Payment Conditions
  41. 12.1
    All prices mentioned are exclusive of statutory value-added tax and are to be paid immediately after invoicing - in any case before the start of the course - without deductions.
  42. 12.2
    The customer bears the costs of payment, especially for transfers from abroad. All bank transfer fees are to be borne in full by the buyer, i.e., the full invoice amount must be credited to our bank account without any expenses.
  43. 12.3
    We only accept payments via Stripe, i.e., no cash payments or checks.
  44. 12.4
    The customer can only offset against claims of Secfinity GmbH with undisputed or legally established counterclaims.
  45. Certificates
  46. 13.1
    After successful participation in the course, the participant will receive a certificate of participation.
  47. 13.2
    The organizer does not guarantee that the acquired knowledge and skills will be recognized beyond the scope of the course by third parties or that they will lead to certain qualifications.
  48. Copyright
  49. 14.1
    We reserve all rights, including the rights of translation, reproduction, and duplication of the training materials or any parts thereof. No part of the training materials may be reproduced in any form (photocopy, microfilm, or any other method) for educational purposes without prior written consent, especially when using electronic systems, processed, duplicated, distributed, or used for public presentations.
  50. 14.2
    Recording or filming any content of a course conducted by Secfinity GmbH is prohibited. This applies in particular but not only to the ILO and virtual training sessions mentioned under 12.
  51. Liability
  52. 15.1
    Claims against Secfinity GmbH or its agents, especially claims for compensation for indirect damages such as business interruptions or disruptions, loss of earnings or profits, data loss, etc., regardless of the legal basis, are excluded. The organizer assumes no liability for items brought by the customer during a training session.
  53. Place of Performance/Jurisdiction
  54. 16.1
    The place of performance is the course location communicated to the participant in writing. The legal venue for all legal disputes arising from the booking with regard to merchants and legal entities under public law or special funds governed by public law is Augsburg.
  55. Final provisions
  56. 17.1
    Personal data of participants will be processed and used to the extent necessary for the implementation and handling of the event
  57. 17.2
    Data protection is very important to us. Therefore, the processing of data is carried out in strict accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).
  58. 17.3
    The participant has the right to information about the personal data stored about him/her, as well as to correction, deletion, or blocking of incorrect data at any time.
  59. Data protection
  60. 18.1
    Amendments or additions to these terms and conditions must be made in writing. This also applies to the waiver of the requirement for written form.
  61. 18.2
    Should individual provisions of these terms and conditions be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The ineffective provision shall be replaced by a provision that comes closest to the economic intent of the parties.
  62. 18.3
    The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from the contractual relationship, as well as its origin and effectiveness, is the registered office of Secfinity GmbH.
  63. 18.1
    The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies exclusively, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
  64. 18.1
    These terms and conditions are also available in English. In case of discrepancies between the German and English versions, the German text shall prevail.
Haben sie noch Fragen zum Datenschutz?
Dann können Sie jederzeit unser Datenschutzteam kontaktieren:
secfinity GmbH,
HRB 38871 Amtsgericht Augsburg;
Geschäftsführer: Benjamin Gnahm
(Gültig ab 03.11.2023)